Product Listing Ads: Management Enhancements

We introduced 3 new tools additions into the Product Listing Ads Management tool which are Negative Keywords Management, Promotional Line Updates and Bidding Structure Negative Keywords Management Item Listing Ads contrast from the TextAds it could be said that you can't straightforwardly control what triggers your question, Google makes sense of that dependent on your item subtleties, for example, title, portrayal, class and so forth anyway you can specifically control what ought not to trigger your inquiry - Negative Keywords. Negative keywords offer you the chance to do only that, guaranteeing that your promotions just contact the best potential gathering of people. Much the same as with the watchwords you really offer on, negative catchphrases can be doled out at the record, crusade, or promotion assemble level and come in different flavours: expansive, state, and careful. Seeing how these match types work is basic in the event that you need to exp...